Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh Happy Day!!!

Wow, words cannot describe what a Happy Day Feb. 18th was for me!! My son, Dillon, went to the altar to proclaim Jesus as his Lord and Savior!! As a mother, these are times of GREAT joy unspeakable and full of glory!!! I remember when my daughter, Chelsey, had that same experience at GA camp when she was 12 yrs old and I got a phone call at 12am with a tearful, ecstatic child, telling me "I really know what it means now to be saved mom, I really know!!" These are the most precious moments in my heart. :) The story behind Feb. 18th is also Amazing! A few weeks before Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival came to Dallas, TX.......I started watching the revival on God TV and felt such anointing while I watched that I couldn't sit down! I then found out they were coming to Dallas, TX at Christ for the Nations bible college and I felt strongly I had to go! I really thought it was for me, but soon realized it wasn't just for me. I didn't have anyone to go with, so I told the Lord, "I will go by myself." Then I happened to mention it to my son, Dillon, and he said, "I want to go" and I said, "okay". Soon after that Chelsey wanted to go, too! So, on Thursday, Feb. 17th we headed to Dallas for whatever God had in store for us. Of course, anytime God has a plan, the enemy attacks! (HAHA, I laugh at him!) It started with my husband fighting me on the issue of leaving, then I got VERY ill on the way to Dallas. Then after checking into the hotel, getting ready, we were on our way the first night and I had a blow out going 70 miles an hr.!! While we were sitting under the overpass in Dallas traffic waiting for help, Dillon said, "Well, doesn't look like we are going to the revival." I said, "Yes we are!" I knew that we would somehow make it! Well, we DID make it, at exactly 7pm when it started!! As we were worshiping I felt God's presence so strong and had a horrible headache in the back of my neck/head that immediately left me........Dillon said he felt the presence strong, too! Thursday night was Amazing! We saw people healed and were in Awe of God's power!! He was getting us prepared for Friday! Friday morning I got a phone call from my husband that he AND my baby were sick with a horrible virus! I had considered packing up and heading home, but I felt strongly that God didn't want me to leave yet. So, I prayed and believed and within a few hours they weren't having symptoms anymore.....Praise the Lord! I took my older kids to the revival and God's presence was SO Awesome!!! Again, multiple miracles, including deaf ears being opened, etc. Many doubt, but praise God for those who believe that Jesus STILL does Miracles today!! (of course, the only part of the bible that can benefit you is the part you believe) Then as the evening was coming to a close, it was time for the altar call and I had the privilege of walking with my son to accept the greatest gift of his life! Thank you Lord!! He had an Amazing experience of God's power and presence! You are a Mighty God!! ~Suzy

You can view videos of the miracles and people being set free at the following website:


Also, here is the Delia Knox Healing videos.......she was in a wheelchair for 22 yrs. The 1st one is the night of the healing and the 2nd is when she came back walking on stage to give him Glory!



God is SO Awesome!!