Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Healing from the Inside Out!

Wow, what an emotional couple of weeks, to say the least. Most of you know my husband, Michael, and the fact that his LOVE in life has always been horses. Although, he may still love horses, he has found a new LOVE. We wanted to share this experience and tell the story of pain, hurt, forgiveness and the healing power of LOVE.

Michael and I have been married for almost 5 years and have 4 beautiful children, ages 18, 14, 4 and a 15 month old. We have had our ups and downs throughout the marriage, but one of the biggest obstacles in our marriage has been that I am a believer in Yeshua/Jesus and love him with all my heart and Michael was not on the same page at all. (He had not accepted the free gift of salvation). So,it was very difficult for me, because the majority of the time, I want to talk about God and his goodness. I have always felt as though I got on Michael's nerves or that he felt I was preaching AT him,the truth is, I just love to talk about God. (maybe preach a little, too) :) When you have such an close relationship with God and he Amazes you daily, it is difficult to be quiet and not talk about him. I guess this meant we were unequally yoked, but, he is in me and that is just who I AM. So, I have been frustrated, he has been frustrated and all in all......a very strenuous marriage. A few weeks before Michael's accident, I really let go! I decided only GOD himself could ever get through to Michael. I decided I should start focusing on moving or at least to live my life in the purpose/direction he leads me and let God deal with Michael. ( I am sure God was saying, "Thank you" for giving me the reigns back) lol

Fast forward to Friday, March 18th, Michael was out at the farm riding horses as usual, when the horse decided to have a mind of his own and threw Michael off of him and up in the air! He was thrown SO hard that he was falling from 5 feet in the air and landed on his left shoulder, side, ribs, etc. He lay there for quite some time in PAIN! Then he slowly began to crawl on his belly to his truck and with all his strength climbed into the truck and headed home. He knew he was in a lot of pain, but really just thought he had broken a few ribs or dislocated his shoulder. He had no idea he was having internal bleeding from the spleen. He had his parents ride with him out to check on the horses and cattle before finally going to the hospital, because he still just thought it was a few broken bones, etc. He finally arrived at the hospital, to his find out he had multiple cracked ribs, broken ribs, a bulging disk in his neck, scapula broken in 3 places, a bruised lung, and to his surprise a bleeding spleen. They decided to watch him closely for the next few hours and see if the bleeding had stopped. Early the next morning they discovered that it was still bleeding and he was going to have to have Emergency surgery! This is where I lost it. I had no idea how serious it was until this point. I begin to talk to Michael about God once again, just to have him say, "Okaaay, Suzy" as if, "You are getting on my nerves again..." So, I decided to just trust God and pray. ( what a wonderful place when we really TRUST and have FAITH in God!!) They took Michael off to emergency surgery and we all prayed. Including MANY of you reading this!! (Thank you precious friends) As he came out of the surgery, one of the first things I heard him say to the nurse, while he was still under anesthesia, "I made it out of surgery, didn't I?" "Didn't I?" and she replied "Yes, you made it out okay." Which made me think, "He must have not thought he was going to make it out of surgery." I didn't say a word. Kept praying and trusting God. Things seemed to be taking a turn for the worse, he was having a hard time breathing, couldn't get comfortable, fluid was building up in his lung, he was in bad shape! I had to take turns, as his mother would come stay with him, I would go home with our 4 yr old and 1 year old. Then the next morning his mom called and told me, "He keeps asking the nurses if he is going to die." Of course, they kept telling him, "No, you will be fine." But, for some reason, heaviness lay on his heart about death. As I drove back to the hospital I cried and prayed for Michael and his Salvation. When I walked into the room, I could see it on his face......he was afraid of dying and quite frankly, he looked bad. He looked real bad, had high fever, kept asking me to pray for him, others to pray for him and saying, "I don't want to die." As a believer that walks with the Lord, I could feel the spirit of death and darkness in the room. My step-dad, Royse, came to visit and I decided to leave for coffee. While I was gone, Royse had an opportunity to talk with him about why he was feeling close to death and having fear. As Royse witnessed to Michael and shared with him about Jesus and his love, through the shedding of his blood on the cross for all our sins.
Jesus himself said his blood would be shed “for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28). The word “remission” means, “freedom; pardon: deliverance, forgiveness, liberty”. Can we think of anything more wonderful than liberty?

Michael wept.

Royse explained the reason he was so afraid is because he hadn't fully surrendered to the Father and explained how much the Father loves him through his son, the lamb of God. Michael agreed that he didn't know where he would go or what would happen to him if he died.

Then something wonderful happened, Michael said yes to Yeshua/Jesus" and in turn, he said "yes" to Michael. :) He accepted the free gift of salvation and immediately confessed it to me as I walked in the room and has been sharing his experience ever since!!! Suddenly things begin to turn around, his fever never again got up to 103, in fact was as low as 99 or none. He starting doing so good that one nurse commented, "Wow, what has happened to you, it is like you've done a 360 since the night I was in here!!" she continued to say, "You don't even look like the same guy that was in here 2 nights ago!"

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! ~2 Corinthians 5:17

God is SO good and SO faithful!! I have a lot of Faith and I have experienced and I believe in miracles. You may or may not believe that, and that is fine, but what you cannot dispute is the miracle working power of salvation! (which is not a one time occurrence, but a walk.) It's not just about a free ticket to heaven, it is the beginning of a relationship.

"For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:14

"If you love me, you will obey what I command." John 14:15

It is Amazing!! 2 Amazing stories of salvation in the last 2 months in my immediate family, my son and my husband. Is God good or what?!?!? ( I am smiling) :)

(1 Corinthians 6:17) Our spirit is changed, but we still carry around (As my dad says) this carcass (fleshly body).

We just continue to press on.......growing and changing......becoming Christlike.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
~Philippians 3:14

We are not in the ministry, but the ministry is in US......when I see people in need and hurt, the Jesus in US comes out. We are all called to be servants and to LOVE one another. :) To the world we may seem like just ordinary people, but God has a bit of a different view:

And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. ~Revelation 1:6

God Bless you all for the prayers! God HEARS US!!! Keep the faith and remember:

Yeshua said, "
In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." ~John 16:23-24

Keep pressing on brothers and sisters!!!

Suzy & Michael
P.S. if you ever need someone to pray with you, call us. We love you!