Thursday, April 14, 2011

Outside our "Own Little World"

I wanted to share something that touched my heart yesterday, in hopes that it will touch yours. I don't tell this story for a pat on the back, brag or praise, because all praise is to God. But, I felt so moved by the situation, that I wanted to share with others, in hopes of bringing awareness to help other people. We all live in "our own little worlds", but when we recognize how much more God has planned for us to be used in the world, to others, it will change our lives! As I drove home yesterday from the park, I noticed about a block from my house a little gray-haired elderly woman riding her bicycle down the road with several plastic sacks of groceries hanging on both sides of her handle bars. It seemed to be so heavy that she could barely pedal and she was moving at the pace of a turtle. I thought, "how sad", then told my 4 yr. old, "We need to stop and help that precious lady, don't we?" he said, "Yes mommy." So, I pulled up to her, rolled down my window and said, "Ma'am, can I please help you with your groceries?" she kinda looked surprised and said, "That would be wonderful." I put my car in park and loaded her heavy sacks into my trunk. As I was loading the groceries, I was thinking about how far away she was from the grocery store and about how many other people must have already passed her without stopping. It made me sad. :( So, I got back in the car and followed her down the street a few more blocks away to her house. As I pulled up, she parked her bicycle and came to my trunk to gather her groceries. I said, "I will get them and carry them in for you." She said, "Oh, okay, thanks." She went and unlocked the front door by going through the back door. As I stood on the front porch waiting for her to open the door, I noticed a little plaque hanging on the door with a scripture on it about love. She opened the door and I put her groceries down and turned to see pictures of Jesus all along her wall. I felt God's presence and asked her, "Do you have any family?" She said, "Not in town, my son lives in another city." I said, "I bet that is hard for you to bring your groceries home like that." She told me that this had been second trip back and forth for the day. (Which meant, no one helped her the 1st time either.) I told her, "Give me a paper and pen and next time you need to get groceries, call me." She did and when I finished I gave her a hug and she looked at me as though she was in amazement and said, "You don't find kindness like that much anymore." I said, "God sends people to help." She nodded and I hugged her goodbye. Why do I tell you this story? In hopes that YOU will be one of those "Few" people that act in kindness. We all have our own lives, things to do and places to go, but please stop and take time for others. I promise you, it will change your life and give you a new meaning to purpose. I found this video on youtube that sums up what I am trying to put into words. :) Please take time to watch this video:

Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows. ~Isaiah 1:17

I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me! ~Matthew 25:40