Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life gets in the way.....

Wow, it seems I had good intentions of starting this blog and updating daily, but wow does time fly and life gets in the way!!! Being a mom of 4 beautiful children is such a challenging and rewarding experience!! Whewww, I just watched as my oldest son, Dillon, graduated from High School!! YEA!!! I am SO proud of him!! He is such an Amazing young man...(my baby, man sounds too old) I know God has a BIG plan for his life and I cannot wait to find out how that unfolds.....Dillon has been singing since he was 2 or 3 yrs old and is an Amazing guitarist/vocalist!! He has definitely been given a God-given talent and for that I am so grateful as a mom to watch him blossom!! To check him out on you tube his channel is :) More later......God is Awesome and as always......I am grateful and give him the GLORY for all the wonderful things, people and experiences in my life! I love you Jesus. :)

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