Monday, January 28, 2013

Mistie's Snake Vision

I was texting with my friend, Mistie, last night and she had texted me "Let his words be in your mouth" and I texted back, "Amen" 

Right after that Mistie had the following vision, she had NO IDEA (because I hadn't talked to her for a few days) about my snake dream, or me talking about it and praying for discernment at the bible study.  She said she thinks the vision lasted for 5 minutes, when she called me she was crying because the vision was SO powerful, here is what she wrote in remembering her vision last night:

10:05-10:10 pm 1/27/13
Snake Vision given to Mistie recorded within an hour.

*my vision was very vivid* 

I am going to use the words Yah spoke to me as close to His as I can remember:

I saw a HUGE snake. It had a black split tongue. It was grey and black. He was going over the land, hills - the earth heading West. He went around a HUGE mountain that was taller than he. (I felt like it was a male)

Q: Father, what is this?
A: This is Satan in his reign.

Then I saw thousands and thousands of smaller snakes crawling everywhere. (I won't call them babies because they were huge, but compared to the big snake, they may have been babies)
I was taken up into the sky where I could see a hole where they were coming.
I went back down. I saw a close up in my face of a smaller one. It's head was bigger than mine. It was facing east. It glared at me in the most vicious way sticking out its tongue and hissing at me.

Q: Father, what does this mean?
A: This is the great darkness.

Q: What are they?
A: This is in the supernatural/spiritual. They are toxic, even the smallest amount of venom is deadly. They cause many to be deceived.

Q: What do you want me to do?
A: Warn my people.

Q: What do you want me to say?
A: Tell them they have been deceived. Teach them Discernment. Teach them Spiritual gifts. Teach them My Ruach(Holy Spirit). Teach them My Torah. Teach them My Commandments.

Q: Father, please have mercy on your people.
A: You will lead them out. Don't think you won't suffer. For the whole earth will. I will protect you.

That was the end.

My friend, Larry, that walks in spiritual gifts said he heard in the Spirit: 'this is a Strong delusion"Many people believe the lies. This causes a huge deception in the people.'

Please watch this teaching: 

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