Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Identity Crisis!? My Testimony.....

I wanted to share my personal testimony because I feel there are others that will relate and come to an understanding of who they are in the covenant they have been grafted-in to!

Many ask me, "Where did you learn all this?" Let's start with my story.  May it BLESS you!!!

Not sure what denomination you grew up [for those that are believers in Christ/Messiah], but I grew up UPC, Pentecostal and then Assembly of God. I have loved Jesus (Hebrew name, Yeshua) since childhood.  I used to swing every day after school and wait for Jesus to show up in the clouds.  He was my all and all and still is! I sang to him, spoke to him and always knew he was with me. Growing up in church my WHOLE life I saw, heard and read things that just didn't make sense to me, but I never really questioned them because we are taught a certain way and if we are honest most of us adopt whatever beliefs or religion are parents do. [disclaimer; I am so grateful for my heritage and my parents and I honor them as Godly parents, but my Heavenly Father had so much more for me to learn and understand for his purposes.]  Years go by, I went through a divorce and partying stage in my life looking for love in all the WRONG places. [if you are perfect this may not speak to you.] I was seeking the love and fulfillment that only God could provide through man and walking according to the flesh.  I have had a long-standing career in banking and network marketing all my life and at different times I have had prophecies spoken over me. Now, I know I know some people say they have prophecy and you must discern that for sure, but I will never forget what a preacher said one time, he had an open vision when he met me and said, "she has a HUGE purpose and teaches people something I don't even understand" a couple years goes by and I always thought "what could I be teaching people, that a preacher wouldn't understand?" Then the Holy Spirit led me to seek TRUTH. 5 years ago I was on a TRUTH-SEEKING mission, I just wanted to know more and more of who my Savior was/is and who I am in him!  The Holy Spirit prompted my to start taking some bible history classes and started learning things that knocked me for a loop and I thought "why are we not taught this in church?!"

The first bible history class I took was the "New  Testament History" because I figured, "I am a New Testament believer, right? Plus, the Old is Old and that's not as important, so, I will get to that one later."  [note of prayer, Father help our ignorance]  Anyways, as I took the "New Testament" history class I'll never forget what the professor said, "If you have been in church any period of time or have certain beliefs, you may want to strap on your seat-belt because you are in for a ride!" I thought, "COOL!!" He would say, "Get your surf boards out, you are going to hit some pretty big waves!"  "YAY! I was SO EXCITED!"

So, I start learning and on my first exam my mom was helping me study and she said, "I thought you were taking NEW Testament history?" I said, "I am." She said, "These are all OLD testament terms." I said, "Well, what I am finding is they actually go together like a glove!"  I had no idea what I had just said would be SO TRUE!!!

In the next few months of New Testament history and Old Testament History I truly was blown away at what all I learned.  I couldn't WAIT for the next class and It was like the professor was being used by the Holy Spirit to speak directly to me!  I was amazed every time I left and shaking my head like, "if people only knew."

For example:

The Sabbath was changed by man (Constantine in 325 A.D.) There are over 100 verses on the Sabbath and man changed it!??  WHAT??  That blew me away!!! The Sabbath is HUGE! In scripture the Father says "I gave the my Sabbaths as a sign between me and them! No wonder the enemy wanted to hide it!
 Click here for ----> Sabbath day understanding

But my BIG "Awakening" came in the middle of the a night in September 2011 at 4am! That night/early morning the Holy Spirit awakened me and I was like "what is it?" I knew he wanted to show me something. I opened my email and found a teaching in my inbox by a ministry called "Discovering the Jewish Jesus" and the teaching was about "the Feasts of The Lord" I was like "I didn't know you had feasts, Lord?!" He spoke to my Spirit and led me to Leviticus 23. [Now in a ladies bible study in church I had heard as a young woman growing in the word we need not worry about reading through books like Leviticus because it was confusing and all done away with anyways. [enemy is so deceptive] That literally stuck in my head. So, you can imagine my surprise when he wanted me to go to Leviticus!] I read chapter 23 and thought "Wow, what does this mean?" And it was like he was done for the night and wanting me to go back to sleep. So I did. The next day I started researching "The Feasts of The Lord" and came across "Feast of Trumpets" by Mark Biltz.
Amazing video-------> "Feast of Trumpets" by Mark Biltz

I was taking notes and blown away!!!! Blinders were lifted from my eyes and I started seeing JESUS/YESHUA in the OLD TESTAMENT!!!  WOW!!!  He was truly BEFORE the foundations of the earth and IS the WORD made FLESH! To understand prophetic times, it is NOT possible without the beginning of the book!

The same day a man that I knew for years that had a great testimony himself called me and said "I was praying and the Holy Spirit wanted me to invite you somewhere.  I told the Holy Spirit, "it's coming up next week, probably too soon for her, maybe she can go next year. He then spoke clearly to me, "No, she will go THIS year." I said "where?!" He said "it's called Sukkot and some call it the Feast of Tabernacles"   I literally almost dropped the phone. I then said "okay, where is it, am supposed to go!"

See, no man showed this to me, I was led to search TRUTH and then led to take the bible history classes and then awakened at 4am and then led the next day to the video on the Feasts and now I get this invitation!?  Confirmation of what the Spirit was already showing me!  My heavenly Father is SO Amazing!!! The New Testament scriptures that I never could really understand now make sense!!!  Every time I read now I get more and more Revelation!!!  It didn't make sense because I didn't understand Torah [first 5 books of the bible], prophets and the writings.

I went to the "Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles" and that is a huge long story in itself [I had to fight SO many battles to get there.],  but while there I was laying in bed one night and the Father was speaking to my heart "this is what you will teach that pastors don't understand."

Wow. Still blows me away!!!  "Who am I, that he would find FAVOR in thy maiden's sight?!"

Please feel free to email me or message me with any questions or additional comments.  That was in 2011 and this is 2014 and I am still amazed by him.  Always and Forever a daughter/follower in the dust of his feet.....Shalom.

Here are some great places to start researching, and DO NOT take my word for any of this, TEST EVERYTHING to scripture and do your homework! I pray he reveals and together we can co-labor with Messiah [Christ] and get the TRUTH out!!  Amen and Amen!!

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.~Matthew 5:11-12

Click on each link for teaching and remember to TEST EVERYTHING!



THE PAUL YOU NEVER KNEW.....Pauline Paradox



  1. This is so good Suzy,I just have to share it! Thank you so much! :) <3

    1. Laura, I am so glad this blessed you!!! May it go forth and help others and may our Father in Heaven open eyes and ears to see and hear truth!! to him be ALL the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE!!! Worthy is the Lamb! Amen and Amen
