Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Seek ye FIRST....

I had a beautiful dream this morning and was awakened by the alarm clock to get my 7 year old son to school.  In my dream I had walked into a automobile dealership and there was this beautiful dark blue BMW on the show floor, I opened the door and looked in at it and then thought, "Wow, I wonder how much it is?" So I asked one of the 3 salesmen in the room, "How much is this car?" and one of the men said, "$600".  I thought to myself, "OH WOW, ONLY $600?!?" I didn't want to act too excited, thinking they might change their mind. (in real life years ago I wanted a BMW so bad, I have not thought about BMWs in years because it's not that important as I used to think.)  I said, "Okay, well, I will take it and only have $200 right now, but I'll call my husband to come up here and pay the rest." He looked at me kindly and said, "No problem with us." As if they just "trusted" me for it! Then when my husband got their the man said, "Before you can take ownership first you must go down to the station and answer a few questions." So, me, my husband and this salesman were in the car driving to the station as if it were just protocol. (seemed like a police station or court house) Before we got there I said, "This car is SO nice!" I noticed it had 277,000 miles on it and thought, "Wow, it must used, but it is so nice and drives like NEW!" We got to the station and they sat me down in a chair to question me.  In the dream I didn't feel weird or anything, like it was normal.  So, this middle aged man sits down in front of me across a desk with a little sweet looking old lady beside him on his right side and there was someone else, like a judge or something behind me watching and waiting for my answers.  Then the middle aged man said, "So...." and he smiled. I thought, "Yes?" and he said, "Well, some of these questions don't apply to you, So, we will just throw them out." then he says, "Okay, so do you go to school?" I said, "Yes." He said, "What do you go to school for?" (and in real life I am taking classes for a Ministry Degree) I said, "Major in Religion and Minor in Science." he looked at me like none of that meant a darn thing to him! Haha. He was sweet and said, "What does that mean though?" and I said, "Oh, I am in the ministry." and all the sudden  the sweet little older lady goes, "OH WONDERFUL!!" and she came over rejoicing and had jewelry in her hands and said, "Oh we want to thank you and give these to you and your children!" and she was handing me silver rings and said, "Give these to your sons." and I said, "Do you have any for girls because I have a daughter, too." and she said, "Oh these are all for boys, but yes I will get some for her, too!" and then she brought over this gold bracelet with golden roses on it and was putting it on my wrist and trying to clasp it, the middle aged gentlemen said, "Do you need any help?" and the little old sweet lady said, "Oh no, I think I got it." then as she was clasping the bracelet on my wrist, she looked at me and said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you."   The alarm clock went off and I woke up.

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